1)one night at Capernwray... me: "rainbows! crap! rainbows!"
karin: "what? beth?"
I didn't reply but instead proceeded to push up with my feet, (I was on the bottom bunk) springing karin and her mattress into the air...I woke up to the sound of "ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" and quickly put her back down. [the dream I had been entertaining involved my roomates locking me in a tunnel and taking away my icecream...] so naturally what could I do but push up at the ceiling? conclusion: I am slightly crazy.
2)there were alot of nights at Capernwray where I would just stand up beside my bed randomly and when questioned as to what I was doing, I would mutter something like "wow" and go back to sleep..
3)the most memorable times of sleepwalking, however, involve climbing into other peoples' beds..[I think when one is asleep, our emotions go to an extreme...] in florida I was working at a camp and crossed the room in my sleep and thought someone was in my bed..I got so pissed off that I was about to cuss them out when I woke up for real and realized my bed was def not on that side of the room....at capernwray I climbed into my roomate's bunk (karin again--poor girl) and felt her leg and thought "ahh! flesh!" and climbed back into my bed...the final time involved my roomate heather and altho I didn't climb all the way I was completely confused because I woke up in front of a window (there were 2 in our room) and immediately assumed it was mine..felt around on the bottom bed for my pillow when I heard a voice, "beth?" I drew back and stood up (confused and scared) "yes?" I said in a little voice. "are you alright?" she asked. "I can't find my bed", I replied, feeling more and more like a little lost kid. She took me back across the room and settled me in...haha...aw man that was a funny night..
4)when I was a kid I went sleepwalking one night into the downstairs bathroom. my parents were sitting on the couch watching t.v . they saw me walk by, enter the bathroom, flush the toilet and return back upstairs...hmm
5) I've woken up a bunch of times somewhere in my room, feeling confused that I wasn't sure where I was, and then feeling immediately frustrated knowing that I had to find my way back to my bed.
6) the most memorable nightmare/sleepadventure thing of this past week involved me standing up on my bed, pulling stuff off my windowsil, with the intention of climbing out to get away from whatever was scaring me in my dream-like state...I jolted awake before I could open the window, and thought "man the window's too scary to climb out of at night".....and then "wait, why am I going to climb out"...and then, "dang it's another dream"..and then I went back to sleep...argh....but no nightmare last night...thank goodness..
*Bonus stories*-this guy used to wake up running in his street away from his home...man so much for rest at night..
-my friend's friend woke up in a grocery aisle in his pj's with a cart full of groceries...he somehow drove there in his sleep....man...