Sunday, March 26, 2006

"The Big Splash-Bam-Sleepover"

[..and now for another price/whitaker combo..I was trying to think of another funny story and realized that this one is fairly humorous and just happens to include the 3 fabulous girls you're all dying to hear more of..k I'll just tell it..]

"The Great Splash-Bam-Giggle-Sleepover"
--One grand night on a little island out in the beautiful province of B.C, 4 girls were up to no good...It was about 12pm and the unsuspecting targets were making their way back from the ferry to their cozy little rooms at the school..They had been out for a night of fun that required much enthusiasm and some dressing-up, and were walking back along the school path, chatting quickly happily, clueless as to what lay in wait for them...The mischievous pranksters had placed themselves (quite skillfully) behind a huge hedge that framed part of the school path..(The pranksters were Hannah/Laura/Beth/and Amie Dyer...The ammo consisted of a couple huge bags of water balloons..).
-The four girls waited til the firsts of the group had passed and then began "THE CHUCKING" which really meant chucking aimlessly and hoping for a few good hits...The cries that accompanied each :SPLASH: were music to the girls' ears, until the cries changed to, "Let's get em!" followed by footsteps that were coming around the side of the hedge. Beth reached back to grab a balloon and realized the other girls had fled in fear of their angry targets' wrath..She spun around to run, slipped and landed on her knee (this did not deter her however), and she propelled herself forward to run, only to smack her shoulder into a parked car :BAM!: that she somehow didn't see coming..But desperate times call for desperate measures and she refused to get caught, so she took off running--through backyards, and bushes, vines, and thorns that tore at her heels...she stopped..huhhhhhh.huhhhhhhh.. panting heavily, her eyes searching wildly for any sign of her fellow fugitives..
-the voices behind her had changed to ones of bewilderment, but she still didn't feel safe...then a whisper from the dark..."Beth, over here!"..she crept forward until she could make out the shadowy forms of her friends...the girls then crept deeper into the woods to a treefort, pre-laden with their supplies (candy and sleeping stuff), in which they planned to spend the night..
the prank had been successful!..amie left while hannah/laura/and beth attempted to make themselves comfortable in the worn old was quite thrilling, with a wooden ladder that led up to the first floor, filled with cobwebs and hidden bugs..the room was very small but there was a 2nd ladder that led up to a trap door to an even smaller room..this one had a bench which their sleeping stuff was strewn all over..
-after a few pictures with flashlights held under chins, and a bit of gobbling of sweets, the girls prepared to settle down to was all going well until they heard a strange noise--a sort of scratching noise that seemed to be coming from the outside of the treehouse..Beth felt her stomach drop as she remembered she had mentioned the treefort to a few boys earlier that day, and she wondered if they had come to take revenge for the water-balloons..the scratching continued as Beth and Hannah's worried voices tried desperately to decipher the noise..Laura seemed to not care...boring girl...Beth and Hannah convinced themselves that the boys were on the roof, underneath the floor, and maybe were even in the first room...they crawled across the floor to the trapdoor, flashlights held in a ready defense...they were just about to climb down when Laura burst out in a fit of had been the silly girl making the noise the whole time...amazing what imaganations can convince even the most intelligent-smart-wise-beautiful-adventurous-decisive-amazing girls of...tis true the strangeness of it...THE END

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Great Blow-up

[I quite like the idea of having a funny blog, since I already have a 'deep-and-spiritually-thought-provoking' I hope you find my tales as funny as I do...and if not, know that I will be chuckling at myself anyways..]

"The Great Blow-up"
-Picture a highly classy 1996 Buick cruising down the highway, windows down, music shaking its crusty old speakers, and a backseat overflowing with a mass of junk food, hawaiian leis, silly string cans, and water guns...picture 3 normal-sized ladies stuffed into the front seat, bouncing around giddily, clapping like maniacs, and raising their voices to the lines, "Ooh yea, life goes on, long after the cost of living is gone!" Little did we know the cost that would befall us on that fated summer's day..We had been quite distracted with the art of shooting our high-quality water guns into cars that passed us on the highway, and from this task perhaps we can decipher the reason for how we became so quickly disoriented...
The bouncing, clapping, and somewhat-on-key singing was carrying on quite joyfully until we heard a strange noise growing louder beneath the car..We yelled at laura (the driver) to get off the middle of the lane but she insisted that she was nowhere near it, and after the music volume dropped, we quickly realized that something was clearly wrong..The tire had blown, in fact, we now noticed the bumpiness accompaning this odd sound, so we pulled over to the side of the road..Hannah at this point decided to yell the following deadly words: "THE CAR IS GOING TO BLOW UP!!"
In the crisis of the moment, Laura and I were fully convinced that the car was going to blow up, so we jumped out, screaming wildly, hands flailing (I took a few seconds to grab my cds and guitar--very vital)..Hannah, at this point had ran down the side of the road and was watching our attempts to escape the looming danger..I believe at this point in time she may have been screaming, "RUN!!" which didn't really help the situation at hand..Laura had the unfortunate misadventure of hopping out in bare feet onto a piece of burning rubber, and though her face was contorted quite horribly in a look of pain, we urged her to jump back in and get the keys, because maybe that would prevent the blow-up..Laura finally made it to where Hannah and I had securely placed ourselves and we all slowly looked back towards the car....after a few moments of heavy panting and butterflies we realized something important: The car was NOT going to blow up. phew that was a relief...
so we got another tire out of the trunk (amazing that it was there) and decided to try and put our skills to the test..thankfully we were tested because soon after that a large man in a truck showed up, waved off our offers of car-tire-directions-for-unskilled-people, and proceeded to fix our dilemma in a matter of minutes...
the concluding statements: 1)Hannah is crazy.....2)Laura burned her foot...3)My guitar and cds evidently mean more than my life. 4) It's a really weird feeling running from a car that you think is going to blow up. 5)Hannah thought the truck drive was an angel and took a picture to see if he would show up in it.
6)We are really good at being nerds. 7)best road trip I've ever had...